Quantum Oakmen Partners

Our Approach

We create lasting relationships

In the long run, lasting relationships see you through.

Early-stage investors based in San Francisco and India.

As erstwhile company builders turned current investors, we recognise the startup ecosystem from all possible angles. Having been around for close to a decade, Quantum Oakmen has been a witness to too many trends to count. But we have persisted with our core value, i.e., long-term relationships with founders keeps you ahead in the long run. Their success ensures our success because, at the end of the day, it is all that matters.

Good ideas change the world. Brilliant prospects, when adequately supported, can create a significant impact in the world. We find these prospects by sidelining conventional wisdom, spotting early potential, and having the conviction to back these ideas before everyone else jumps on the bandwagon.


Solid Partnership through openness and candour.

Quantum Oakmen evaluates ideas based on their merit and potential, in addition to the founders’ ability to execute their vision. A smooth, polished pitch is not something we base our decisions upon. We discuss challenges upfront, with complete transparency. The more we talk about it, the more things unravel. Open debates and honest discussions are our proven shots at reaching the best solutions.

Quantum Oakmen evaluates ideas based on their merit and potential, in addition to the founders’ ability to execute their vision. A smooth, polished pitch is not something we base our decisions upon. We discuss challenges upfront, with complete transparency. The more we talk about it, the more things unravel. Open debates and honest discussions are our proven shots at reaching the best solutions.

Building a brand is not a merry-go ride. But when we sign up for something, we do so with absolute conviction. Yes, there will be problems. But we are in it together. Long term success stories are not based on the latest market fads or report cards. Quantum Oakmen will be your most engaged board member, offering its grit, experience, hard work, and expertise, wherever and whenever required.